Welcome to your home for

Continuing Professional Development

Our Aims

  • Establish recertification requirements that are achievable by all competent doctors who are in active practice and who take reasonable steps to complete their CPD requirements
  • Encourage participation across a range of activities contributing to CPD
  • Encourage activities that contribute to the training, development and recognition of the health workforce
  • Provide doctors with a convenient means for demonstrating active participation in CPD
  • Provide documented evidence to the Medical Council of New Zealand that the doctor has met the required standards for recertification
  • Ensure that all doctors who have difficulty in meeting the required standards are provided with encouragement, assistance and clear pathway to remediation
  • Develop and operate InPractice in a way that is fair, transparent and affordable for doctors

CPD Requirements

During each 12 month CPD cycle each doctor must complete a minimum of: 

  • A professional development plan (PDP)
  • 20 hours of continuing medical education
  • 10 hours of peer review
  • One audit of medical practice
  • Four meetings with the nominated collegial relationship provider

In addition to the annual requirements, each doctor must complete:

  • The Essentials quiz before the first renewal date and then once every three years
  • Feedback on practice, through colleague feedback and patient feedback (where practicable) once every three cycles
  • A regular practice review visit when scheduled (See appendix three)

To meet the requirements for recertification each doctor must meet the activity targets displayed on the home page of their InPractice ePortfolio. For non-annual enrolments, doctors will have their requirements and their membership fees adjusted on a pro-rata basis.

Our Partners | Mahi ki a mātou

bpac NZ

bpac NZ advocates for best practice in healthcare treatments and investigations across a wide range of health service delivery areas.


BPAC Clinical Solutions provides clinical tools and systems to the primary health sector and linking eHealth systems together to help improve the patient journey.

South Link Health

South Link Health has an extensive network of 23 general practice medical centres across Aotearoa New Zealand.